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Foreign Supplier Verification Program and code "UNK"

  FDA facility registration requires biannual renewal, with the current registration period ending on December 31, 2024. Beginning July 24, 2022, the use of the entity identification code “UNK” is no longer an acceptable option. Consistent with 21 CFR 1.509(a), the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) importer must ensure that their valid, 9-digit DUNS number is provided in the Entity Number field.  The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will reject an entry line of a food subject to the FSVP regulation if the importer’s DUNS number is not provided in the Entity Number field. This means that any facility that fails to provide a valid DUNS number by the time of registration renewal could face cancellation of their registration number, leading to significant disruptions in operations, including the inability to import food products into the United States.  Facilities with pending UFI issues that do not resolve these matters before the registration renewal deadline risk havi

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